Event Schedule

Event Schedule

Thursday - Sacred Marriage

4:30 pm - Registration/Check-In Opens

5 pm - Session 1

6 pm - Short Break

6:30 pm - Session 2

7:30 pm - Short Break

8 pm - Session 3

Friday - Sacred Parenting

4:30 pm - Registration/Check-In Opens

5 pm - Session 4

6 pm - Short Break

6:30 pm - Session 5

7:30 pm - Short Break

8 pm - Session 6

Sacred Marriage

Sacred Marriage doesn’t tell how to build a better marriage; it shows how your marriage can help you deepen your relationship with God. Gary is honest about the difficulties of marriage but then explains how God can use those difficulties toward a glorious end: helping us grow as believers and leading us to be more dependent on God. These sessions talk about the wonder of building a “sacred history” together, how even lovemaking can be used by God to shape our souls, and session four talks about how marriage helps us achieve one of our greatest needs. Everything about your marriage is filled with the potential for discovering and revealing Christ’s character.

Sacred Parenting

Parenting is a school for spiritual formation, and our children are our teachers. The journey of caring for, rearing, training, and loving our children can help us become more like Christ. 

This seminar is not a “how to” course that teaches you ways to discipline your kids or help them achieve their full potential. Instead of discussing how parents can change their kids, Sacred Parenting turns the tables and demonstrates how God uses our kids to change us. You’ll be encouraged by stories that tell how other parents handled the challenges and difficulties of being a parent–and how their children transformed their relationship with God. Sacred Parenting affirms the spiritual value of being a parent, showing you the holy potential of the parent child relationship and offers a new perspective on the sacredness of this high and holy calling.